Liability Coverage
For your entity’s operations.
For your entity’s operations.
General Liability Memorandum of Coverage GL 10 01 (07 22)
Hired and Nonowned Auto Liability Endorsement GL 20 01 (01 07)
Schedule of Covered Professional Services GL 20 02 (01 12)
Garagekeepers Coverage Schedule GL 20 03 (01 91)
Data Breach Coverage Endorsement GL 20 30 (08 22)
Additional Covered Party Endorsement GL 30 01 (01 91)
Additional Covered Party Schedule GL 30 03 (09 11)
School’s Only
Violent Event Coverage GL 20 04 (10 18)
Due Process Hearing Parent(s) or Guardian(s) Attorneys Fees Coverage GL 50 30 (12 12)
Due Process Hearing All Attorneys Fees Coverage GL 50 31 (12 12)
This information is provided for educational purposes only and provides a general description of NDIRF coverage. Representations of coverage provided within the context of this information may not reference all language contained in NDIRF coverage documents. Please refer to the appropriate coverage document(s) for exact coverage, conditions, exclusions, and other relevant information.